The first signs of economic decline became visible. 经济衰退的最初迹象开始显现出来。
He criticised the government for failing to halt economic decline 他批评政府未能遏止经济下滑。
It breeds anger, social disintegration, ill health and economic decline. 饥饿会引起愤怒、社会分化、疾病泛滥和经济衰败。
Cornwall, over the centuries, had suffered a gradual economic decline. 康沃尔许多世纪以来在经济上已逐渐衰落。
A prime reason for our economic decline is lack of investment. 我国经济衰退的首要原因是缺乏投资。
Economic decline in the proportion of housing investment in the government or developers responsible? 经济适用房投资比重下降责任在政府还是开发商?
But since this has not yet led to a clear economic decline, people pay little attention. 但由于经济并未明显衰退,因此没有引起人们的注意。
Bears of the US argue that a deteriorating fiscal position brings down the curtain on the era of American hegemony and that accelerating relative economic decline is the new reality. 看跌美国的人士提出,日益恶化的财政状况降下了美国霸权时代的帷幕,新的现实是,美国经济相对他国的下滑将不断加速。
Caught in a cycle of poverty and disease, people in the hardest-hit countries face shorter life expectancies and economic decline. 生活在受影响最严重国家中的人民,由于始终处于贫穷和疾病的恶性循环中,面临着预期寿命缩短和经济衰退等恶果。
Both previous shocks resulted in double-digit inflation and global economic decline. 前两次的油价暴涨都导致了两位数的通货膨胀和全球性的经济衰退。
Existing models are coming under increasing scrutiny, particularly at a time of deep economic decline and long-term uncertainty. 现有模式正受到越来越多的严密审查,特别是在经济严重陷入衰退和全球面临长期不确定性的时期。
During this time the United States was in an economic decline known as the Great Depression. 这个时期美国正处在经济衰退期,即众所周知的大萧条时期。
A prime reason for our economic decline is lack of people willing to put money into new businesses. 我们经济衰退的一个主要原因是愿意投资于新企业的人太少。
But falling nominal output has accelerated Japan's relative economic decline. 但下降输出加速日本相关的经济衰退。
These policies are to a large extent responsible for the region's economic decline. 这些政策在很大程度上对本地区的经济衰退负有责任。
He said America is helping the Iraqi government reverse decades of economic decline. 布什说,美国正在帮助伊拉克政府扭转持续了几十年的经济下滑趋势。
The case for diversification rests largely on the assumption that the main currency countries will continue to suffer relative economic decline. 主要货币国家将继续遭受经济相对衰落之痛,这一假定构成了支持储备货币多元化的主要理由。
Or does it wish to sink into the abyss of further economic decline and possible state failure? 还是愿意陷入更深的经济衰退甚至失败国家的深渊中?
Some data have started showing a slowdown in the pace of economic decline, leading to hopes that the worst of the recession may be past. 一些数据已开始显示,经济衰退步伐正在放缓,人们不禁希望,衰退最严重时期可能已经过去。
It faces the steepest economic decline of all the emerging markets in the BRIC group which includes Brazil, India and China as well as the biggest debt restructuring problem. 它面临金砖四国(bric,包括巴西、印度和中国)新兴市场中最陡峭的经济跌幅,以及最大的债务重组问题。
Big Brussels initiatives to arrest Europe's long-term economic decline have proved ineffectual. 大布鲁塞尔想要阻止欧洲长期经济衰退的努力已经被证实不给力了。
US fears of economic decline will make a bad situation worse. 美国对经济衰退的担忧也会使形势雪上加霜。
Firstly, we have to reverse the economic decline. 有必要对经济和政治衰退的原因进行分析。
Relative economic decline is probably inevitable against Asia excluding Japan because developing countries have the benefit of catch-up growth. 美国经济相对亚洲国家(日本除外)的下滑可能是不可避免的,因为发展中国家享受着追赶性增长的益处。
This is key to stabilising markets and drawing a line under the process of global economic decline. 这是稳定市场和限制全球经济下滑进程的关键。
But if demographic decline is not generally a consequence of economic decline, surely it must be a cause? 但是如果人口衰退步不是一般意义上的经济衰退所导致的后果,那么它确切的说一定是它的一个原因吗?
Our economic decline has been such as to sap the foundation of our diplomacy. 我国的经济衰落已发展到危及我国外交基础的地步。
This may seem like a free lunch but we know from painful experience that trying to control prices and wages in a market economy is a recipe for unemployment and economic decline. 看起来这可能像是一份免费午餐,但我们从痛苦的经历中得知,在市场经济下企图控制价格和工资,将会造成失业和经济衰落。
The credit crunch, falling commodity prices and a gradual rouble devaluation have shattered 10 years of rapid growth but there are signs that the pace of economic decline is slowing. 信贷紧缩、大宗商品价格不断下跌及卢布逐步贬值等因素,打破了俄罗斯经济10年来的迅速增长势头,但有迹象表明,俄经济滑坡的步伐正在放缓。
Only when environmental deterioration or resource depletion translates into economic decline do we seem to notice the problem. 只有当环境恶化或资源的枯竭导致经济衰退时,我们似乎才注意到这个问题。